Bursary Program

Fostering opportunities for all

With a focus on participation, North Epping Rangers Sports Club provide members opportunities for fun, friendship, development, leadership, and well-being. A key part of who we are is community, and one-community. With this in mind, we have instituted our Bursary Program.

The focus and purpose of the Bursary Program is to ensure we enable opportunities to participate for people who face significant financial barriers and/or are seeking financial support. The bursary aims to ensure inclusivity, enable participation & talent development, and promote equal opportunities within the Sports Club.

We want to ensure that all members of our community have the opportunity of being a Ranger, and ensure our valued funds can support those that may have financial barriers to that opportunity.

Our Bursary Program is also there to support our members talent development through football, netball and/or tennis.

How does the Bursary Program work?

You can find the Bursary program policy here and the step-by-step process here for the application, review, and support of bursaries to ensure transparency, fairness, and accessibility for all eligible members of the North Epping Rangers Sports Club.

Should you have any queries, please reach out to your Section Convenor for Football, Netball or Tennis, the Club Treasurer or any of the Club Committee Members here.