
MiniRoos Football Training, Season 2023

North Epping Rangers has a very successful MiniRoos Co-Operative Training Program, professionally run by KickStart.

Thursday afternoons
Ron Payne Park, Woods St, North Epping
Under 5 & 6, 4:30pm – 5.30pm
Under 7, 5:30pm – 6:30pm
Under 8, 6:30pm – 7:30pm
Under 9, 6:30pm – 7:30pm

Please make a note in your diary, so you can move around your child’s swimming or music lessons to cater to this. Remember football is a team sport and children feel more included in their team if they train and play together.

We need your help

Every team must have a Coach and Manager,. We ask that you give consideration to volunteering for one of these roles. Neither of these jobs is difficult. Using the KickStart Co-Operative Training Program takes a great deal of the onus off the individual team’s coach, whilst teaching them appropriate coaching techniques to build their confidence.

More Information

Registration and fees

For further information please contact your Age Coordinator

NER Football committee