Grading of players is an important part to ensure all children enjoy their football, develop socially, and progress their football skills. NER grade all players from Under 8 – Under 18.
Information regarding the grading dates and times will be sent out to all registered players.
You are also welcome to request to grade in an older age group. Please contact the NERSC Football Convenor to confirm your request.
Grading days are compulsory to help your child to be assessed correctly. Failure to turn up to grading will mean that they are not assessed with the group and may not end up in the team that best reflects their ability.
Considerations for the grading:
- Refer to the Grading Day Calendar for the dates for your child’s age group. We note that the second and subsequent grading days will be used as required but keep these in your diary.
- Grading Policy – Click on the link below should you wish to review the NERSC Grading Policy.
- If you cannot make a grading session you must contact your age coordinator (refer to the Football Committee link below if you are unsure of your age coordinator).
- All participants are to arrive 15mins prior to their scheduled time to register
- All participants must wear sneakers/trainers/joggers (no boots allowed) and shin pads. Any player not wearing shin pads will not be allowed to participate.
- Bring a filled drink bottle.
- Each age group will have multiple graders which are experienced coaches/players.
- Coaches’ comments from last year will be taken into consideration.
- Session formats will be determined by the Grading Committee and may involve some/all of; a warm-up, skills and drills, small sided-games, and full-size games, to ensure all participants get an opportunity to be involved.
- Grading staff are not to be approached during or after the grading sessions. Any queries should go through your Age Coordinator.
- All players must grade in their appropriate age groups (unless otherwise agreed by the Grading Committee). For example, if a player has their 10th birthday at any time in the current year they would grade in the under-10 age group.
- Players may request to grade in a higher age group. Should this be the case, we ask that you grade in your actual age group as well as the higher age group.
NO BOOTS are ALLOWED on the ovals until 1st April.
All Grading days are compulsory for your child to be graded correctly.
Please advise your age coordinator or the NERSC Football Convenor if you cannot attend a grading day.
Training will commence early to mid-March and the first round of the season will commence on the first Saturday in April.
Grading Days
Please make sure you check the venue at which your age group is grading
The venue will be noted on the Grading Day Calendar
All grading days are compulsory to be graded correctly, and please arrive 15 mins before the time allotted for your age group.
Remember, football boots are NOT allowed for grading, and you MUST wear shin pads
Grading will begin in early to mid-February and run for approximately 2 weeks. Details to follow soon.
Use the following links to learn more
For any additional information regarding grading please contact the NER Football Convenor or your Age Coordinator by clicking here